Your Fall Checklist . . .

"...If I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

The crunch of leaves underfoot, an etching of frost on the grass, cinnamon-y apple crisp wafting once more out of the oven. . .

Autumn is so short, it's hard to fit everything in! So you don't forget anything, here's a to-do list to check off by Thanksgiving -- some things whimsical, some things practical, all indubitably autumnal.

Feel free to pin!

What's on your Fall Checklist?

(This post shared here and here.)


Cathie said…
I've never liked Louis Armstrong's music, but everything else on this to-do list is absolutely a wonderful must. :)
Marissa Deen said…
What? No way! :) Well, be sure to try out some Ella Fitzgerald, anyway. Love her voice.
Cathie said…
He just sounds so raspy that I can't appreciate the music. It's my fault, not his. :P I'll try out Ella soon!
Anne said…
I love this idea! I hate it when a season (especially my favorite!) ends and I realize I forgot one of my favorite things. And I suppose the sensible tasks are nice to mix in with the fun ones. :) I'm going to make a list right now!!
Springjoy said…
Love it!! (and happy that I finally found you again after my bookmarks all went poof.)