
Well, at the risk of looking fickle, you may disregard my last post.

You know, where I decided to leave Finely Ground and start a travel blog instead? It was fun. . . . But I haven't really had the time or resources to make a proper go of it, so I'm going to let the domain lapse. This one pays for itself, though, so I've decided to lean back in over here.

When I stopped writing for Finely Ground, it was a Frugal blog. And a Green Cleaning blog. It got to feeling kind of pigeon-holed and nichey. -- Because that's how you're supposed to blog. You get into a niche, and write your attention-getting headlines, and include your Pinterest-friendly images. And I guess it works. To this day, hundreds of people land on my post about cleaning grungy bathtubs everyday...

But let's be honest: there are only so many times you can post about the many cleaning uses of baking soda and vinegar or how to make a dozen meals out of one chicken before it gets pretty boring.

So I would hereby like to un-niche myself--regardless of bounce rates or readership rentention.

I'm not sure what this will look like. I will probably still write some money-saving posts -- frugality, alas, continues to be both a hallmark and necessity of my life. However, I won't constrain the blog to that. I shall write to suit my whims.

At present, my whims include but are not limited to: my Swedish ancestry, cats, crocheted rag rugs, smoked salmon, and that January feeling of garden planning, I guess we'll see what happens.

But in the meantime, here is a picture of Mabel, who approves of sage green being the Pinterest-designated trendy neutral for 2018. Happy New Year!
