A Blogging Quandry

Well, folks, I'm moving to South Dakota.

The idea is that I'll go back to school and get some sort of extremely practical degree to increase my earning potential. (What degree will it be? Good question. I'm open to suggestions.)

This presents a bit of a problem from the blogging standpoint.

For one thing, I'll probably no longer be a Poor Barista, I'll be a Poor Student. So the name "Finely Ground" and half of my blog's tagline will no longer make sense.

Additionally, I won't be moving at least until May.

So what am I supposed to blog about till them? It's too early to start in on the moving, packing, down-sizing, and move-out cleaning tips with any degree of fervor. . .But anything I buy or make between now and then, it will just have to be down-sized or hauled 800 miles.

So I'm just sitting around over here in a state of paralysis.


Have you ever experienced pre-life-change paralysis? What did you do about it?


Abby said…
I feel like I've been experiencing pre-life-change paralysis for a while, but the only thing is I'm not sure what the life change is going to be. :P It's this awful limbo sort of feeling.

Anyway. /endcheerfulcomment :P
Anonymous said…
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Cathie said…
♥ I'm in it right now, that state of paralysis. I may or may not be moving with my man, and if I don't... well, I'll be away from him for a year. (So I rather sympathise with your feelings on Twitter!)

Regarding the blog name, hehe.. that's why after SO many blogs I finally decided that I had to just name it after myself. If I based it on my interests or my current status of living, well... changes happen. At least my name is the only constant! However, I think Finely Ground could still work if you changed it to mean... errr, grinding one's challenges into the dust! Or perhaps a weekend job at a local coffee-shop in South Dakota would work, too. At this point, I'm probably just throwing 'lame' suggestions out, now. Oops. :) *hugs*
Unknown said…
Don't sell yourself short - you could always get a part time job as a barista in addition to being a student. ;-)

Just kidding. Don't worry about the blog. Keep on blogging if you want and change it when it feels right to you. I like the name, even if you aren't a barista anymore for what it's worth.

And yes, I experience pre-life change paralysis all the time, mostly because I change major things in my life all the time. I do really like the change, but it's also scary. Currently, I'm preparing (a few years early, but still preparing) to quit my job and move to another country to go to school. Boyfriend is on the fence about the move, which throws everything off. Hopefully after we visit later this month, he'll be more eager, but yes, it's completely normal, and you'll be great at whatever you choose to do.
Anonymous said…
Well i'm ex military so i've felt this plenty of times so either I would prepare myself for exams if I was planning of changing my job or studied so I could get a higher paying position. And I know this is kinda bad but I just took advantage of going out to party and got drunk LOL as I danced the night away. I know thats not really everyones thing but i'm a true party girl at heart :D I looked at it as a very long going away party with my beloved shipmates! LOL
U'll figure something out...
Layla said…
I've always LOVED your blog name, I think it's so unique and clever! Though I might be biased; because last March was when I had gotten interested in the work a Barista does (such as all those designs in coffee), and then also found your blog, I assumed after having the baby I'd look into a barista job, but find I can't peel myself away from him haha!
Marissa Deen said…
:) Well, I suppose the prospect of losing your final roommate to the institution of marriage is life-changing, right? I've been worrying about you, being left in the lurch and all. . .
Marissa Deen said…
:) That's really very odd that we're facing such a similar difficult decision at the same time. I'd be interesting in hearing how things turn out for you.

Somebody once found my blog by searching "Finely Ground Spinach." Do you suppose that serves as a basis for keeping the name? ;)

Re: the job situation, I'm working one day a week at a home improvement store that I think will probably be able to transfer my employment to their Sioux Falls store (it's a large, national chain) and increase my hours. Sigh. So for the sake of not having to be unemployed and job hunt, I'm thinking I'd better go that route if they'll agree to it. :/

Thanks for commenting. :)
Marissa Deen said…
Thanks for reading, Kristin! :) And good luck with your impending move.
Marissa Deen said…
:) Thanks for reading! My dad was military, too, so I'm not stranger to moving around a lot. . .
Marissa Deen said…
Thanks, Layla! :) If you end up needing to go back to work, being a barista can be a good option for moms -- shifts often run from 5-6AM to 12-1PM so it still gives you the afternoon to keep house and such...
Layla said…
Thanks, that's great to know, and I live about 2 minutes away from a Starbucks!
BTW, Weird question; do you know of any sites online that teach how to do barista work (including that coffee art)? I couldn't find anything that taught that, when I tried looking.
Anyway I can't wait to see what's next for you and what opportunities come while you attend school; it's exciting!
Taylor @ Britax said…
I did nothing special. I wish a safe journey and the best to happen.
Marissa Deen said…
Hey Layla, sorry it's taken me awhile to get back to you. I was meaning to search out some good resources. . .Youtube's probably your best bet. :) I did a quick search for "how to make latte art" and it popped up this pretty good video --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NItrlTwbvAU

Of course, everybody has their own technique. I don't tip the mug, for instance, or lean the pitcher on the rim. . .

You probably won't be able to do latte art at home, though, unless you invested in a home espresso machine with a steaming wand. The main necessity for latte art is perfectly frothed milk, as the texture is made quite a bit different from the steam whipping air into it.

Here's an interesting link--> http://www.talkaboutcoffee.com/coffee_careers.html
Layla said…
Thank you so much I didn't even know what it was called to know what to Google. You're the best! I'm so excited for you regarding your new journey to do college!
fidjet23 said…
I just found your blog today and I think it is great! I love the ideas.
I don't think you should change the name of your blog at all. I think "Finely Ground" would work no matter what you are doing. I find we are being "finely ground" all of the time. We are grinding off all the the unnecessary parts of our life and our personalities our ideas etc. to make us the person we are meant to be. We are being "finely ground" ... in choosing what career we want to go into and then, as you are, we take the steps to do what we have to to make that happen. What an awesome opportunity you have coming your way. I wish you all the best in school and your move.
Have a blessed day.