Best of 2012--Five Faves

Happy New Year!

2012 was a happening year for Finely Ground. Considering I started writing it just last February. :) So since everyone else is publishing "best of" posts (which I never read, so I won't be offended if you don't read mine,) I guess I will too.

The top two reader favorites are NOT hard to identify! They each average about 300,000 lifetime views while most of the rest of my posts have been lucky to hit 5000.

The One-A-Day Spring Cleaning Challenge! This post was even mentioned on TV in Nashville. (That seriously blew my mind.)

The Best Way to Clean Your Bathtub. I don't think my bathtub is all that riveting, so I blame good SEO. You would not believe the number of people out there searching for ways to clean their bathtubs.

And here are my three favorites in no particular order. . .Not necessarily the most popular, but I liked them. :)

Living Modestly: This World is Not Our Home. This comes right from the center of me. These thoughts have been the theme of this entire past year.

DIY: Picture Frame Wreath. I LOVE this wreath, and feel like it was probably one of the most creative ideas (that actually turned out well!) that I've ever had. . .

DIY: 3-D Paper Snowflakes. I love these things. I may leave them hanging in front of my window year-round!

But enough about me. What about you? What would you like to see more of here over the next year?
